Healthy Lifestyle

Dermatology (now at Vancouver Clinic)
Basheer Badiei, M.D.

Primary care

Stephen Greaney – 2/6/23

Salmon Creek 1 Clinic

2525 NE 139th Street
Vancouver, WA 98686


Erin P. Gibbons, MD – appointment 2/22/23 1:20pm

Salmon Creek 1 Clinic

2525 NE 139th Street
Vancouver, WA 98686
this is the one I liked

Advance Directive

for MyDirectives sranney97 r93t62Long Advance Directive
HIPAA authorization
UADD Advance Directive
Combine the elements of Living Will, Medical Power of Attorney, Do not attempt resuscitation form, Organ donation form


—- 2025 log —–


Install crown after the implant was done.

Re-cement the crown that came off.


The Humana Dental plan that we are going to switch to is accepted by my dentist.


Foot massage. Both feet are tight, could be the cold weather.  You can sit on the edge of the tub and put your feet in warm water. Also by walking it warms up the feet and that is why the pain goes away sometimes.  Might do another foot massage in mid February.


Video call Dr Greaney – Doctor – re light headed events – he will order event monitor  (I cancelled it since the problem stopped happening)

Covid shot 1/2/25

Comirnaty Covid 24-24 (12Y YO) PFS





—- 2024 log —–

12/5/24 tooth implant to be done

10/17/24 follow up for MOHS on left forearm

MA Tasha K at 10/17/2024 3:45 PM
Status: Signed
Patient presents today for wound/scar check. S/p mohs procedure of BCC on left forearm on 10/04/24. Patient reports one side is more raised and has developed a “bump”. Provider assessed the site and informed site looks good and healing appropriately, the raised area is buried stitch and will resolve on its own. Wound care and activity instructions given. Patient stated understanding and had no questions. Follow up PRN.


Flu vaccine – Fred Meyer


MOHS surgery on left forearm

Infiltrative nodular Basal cell carcinoma

Now I have to do the wound care for a few weeks

Derm 8/14/24 2pm – skin check including left forearm
face – using cream for 2 – 3 weeks until the spots scab over

  • fluorouracil (EFUDEX)
  • lidocaine
    Started using it on Saturday 8/17/24 so two weeks would be 8/31

    Fluorouracil 5% Cream

    Fluorouracil is in a class of medications called antimetabolites. It works by killing fast-growing cells such as the abnormal cells in actinic keratoses and basal cell carcinoma.

    I am done with the Fluorouracil 5% Cream, so now the crusty aspect is supposed to go away in the next couple of weeks. This should eliminate the bad cells.   9/9/24


    Right temple

    Left temple

    Inside left ear

    Top of left eyebrow

    Slightly above left of left eyebrow

    Below left ear at bone

    Two small moles near old mole on left forearm

    Scar or inflamation – top of head

    Fluorouracil is in a class of medications called antimetabolites. It works by killing fast-growing cells such as the abnormal cells in actinic keratoses and basal cell carcinoma.

    Started using it on Saturday 8/17/24 so two weeks would be 8/31


    Stop 9/5/24

    I think it is scab enough

Basal cell carcinoma arm – biopsy
Pathologic Diagnosis: Skin, left proximal extensor forearm, shave: Basal cell carcinoma, nodular, infiltrating, and superficial types, transected and involving tissue edges. [C44.619]
Mohs surgery recommended – they will send the referral and the surgery place will call me

Scheduled 6 mo to check with Badiei Feb 21, 2025

4/1/24 Dr. Greaney

Annual Physical –

Toporol and HZ combined in one pill that I take in the evening.

Covid 19 Dr. Greaney video visit

Started 9/10/24, feeling better Friday, 9/13/24

Dr. Greaney said the immunity from this case will last a few months, so get the Covid vaccine in January or February. He said this case is probably not as bad since I had some kind of booster, which I don’t remember but he had a record of.

Wait 2 weeks to get the flu shot so your body can finish with the Covid.

—– 2023 Log —–

2/14/24 Dentist

Filling on right side canine

Smooth out crown that was chipped.


Sent request to Rotech ‘Sleep Central’ to setup account. Help SleepCentral <>


Covid vaccine Moderna (bad reaction I think due to me not drinking enough water).

Referral from dentist to Salmon Creek Endodontics – seems like a root canal

Flu vaccine received 8/30/23 at Fred Meyer

8/18/23 Dental (authorization for future treatment)

Replacement of crown ‘core buildup’ after Salmon Creek Endodontics $199.

Eye 7/7/23

Dry Eye syndrome, $800 treatment recommended, plus some I drops he said I should use.

Appointment with Dr Greaney 4/10/23 – annual

Results are ok he says

—– 2022 Log —–

9/27/22 Dentist – Crown right side, top, last one in back.  The new dentist, Dr. Erika Takanami DDS, seems more competent than the previous dentist at that clinic, Dr. Lu.

Covid Booster 9/23/22 Walgreens – new booster that is supposed to be good for variants

9/13/22 Flu Shot

8/23/22 Pacific Dermatology – took a lot of spots off head, check again in 3 months. (Will need referal but I will probably have to wait until I get the new doctor set up.)

6/15/22 Eye checkup

  • My cataracts are worse compared to last year, check next year.
  • They fixed last year’s glasses that I never wore, so I can use them, since my prescription hasn’t changed.
  • Ordered custom clip on sunglasses for them.
  • CeCe can fix if I have any problems. She is the one that adjusted them.

Wednesday January 12, 2022 Pacific Dermatology 10:30

He took off various spots

4/6/22 Annual Wellness Visit

Cholesterol is high, check again in 6 months

Gave me a Covid booster.

Weight 199

They also did PSA blood test.

— 2021 Log —

Dermatologist 1/12/21 Visit

7/28/21  Dentist

Cleaning –

  • floss deeper to get beneath the gum line where    are pockets of bacteria.
  • Crackers at night could leave sugars since they are carbs.
  • Replace crown in top left (second from back) – was breaking down. But doesn’t cost me since it is still under warranty.
  • The one they cemented is 30  (bottom third from back on right)

6/30 Dentist

  • second from back on left top – crown fell off
  • New Crown lower right second from back

6/29/21 Eye doctor .  Before going I went back the the glasses I got last time, only to find I don’t need new ones.  But I might as well stick with these.  Or at least try to rotate them in.  The sit  differently making it hard to read with them and they make my eyes look pink.

CPAP recall 6/26/21

Please notate your confirmation number: 2021062601348595
What to expect next:
We regret that it may take some time to replace your device. The repair process for existing devices requires regulatory approval in your country, which we are working toward obtaining as quickly as possible. We will begin the repair/replacement process immediately upon that approval. We understand the impact of this issue on your therapy and we sincerely apologize for this disruption. It is our absolute number one priority to replace affected devices as quickly as possible.
For additional questions:
For more information and updates, please visit where will be updating answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) as more information becomes available or call 1-877-907-7058 in the US and US territories or (0044) 20 8089 3822 outside the US. Thank you.
Replacement received 9/30/21

4/14/21 Matz – ‘outpatient service’ copay $50
4/14/21 another bill for ‘surgery’ – for the scope (which he seems to have not seen much with) $50 copay

4/22/21 Dr. Jacobs re finger being still swollen, he says keep an eye on it. Check back if it is not better in 3 months.  Right now it looks like maybe it is trying to come back but we’ll see.

Finger Surgery 1/27/21
Benjamin Jacobs, MD
Southwest Washington Regional Surgery Center
Left middle finger cyst

Covid 19

Covid Moderna vaccine first dose 1/18/21 second dose 2/15/21


4/14/21 Dr. Scott Matz
We could do surgery but the chance of leakage is high.  He seems inclined to fix it but I think between the lines he was saying leave it as is.  Another appointment in 6 months.  Meanwhile I should do more dialating.

2/22/21 Initial visit with Dr. Scott Matz.  He is going to schedule a scope and explore some options for further treatment.  He will also have his office look into having insurance cover supplies.

But the concern is incontinence. If I can’t start and stop with the tube in, does this mean I can’t control the gland, whatever it is called. So if they open up the urethra, would it just result in a constant flow.

I have to get a new urologist Dr. Scott Matz.

2/18/21 Dentist
Bottom left – small filling (on the new wisdom tooth I think)

I compiled the log:

8/2/1999 seed implant

The PSA bounced around for a few years, as high as 7.3 on 8/1/01 but it is below 1 in 2005.

1/1/2006 I had the surgery to improve urination, but I don’t know if it is going to help much. So far not a dramatic change.

Dr. McCoy 8/6/2018 – testing for UroLift, could not insert probe.  Set up appointment to evaluate this issue – 11/7/18 (ended up doing surgery to open up constriction)

12/2018  –

Surgery to open up constriction:
Cystoscopy Direct Vision Internal Urethrotomy
12/12/18 Dr Daniel L. Miller MD
Oregon Clinic Advanced Urology Associates –
Done at Adventist Hospital
Had the catheter for a few days.


Virtual appointment Dr. McCoy, come back in 6 months.

—- 2020 log —-

Flu shot some time in the fall but I can’t find any receipt so I can’t collect $5 on it.

Cyst on finger, orthopedic appointment set up 12/10/20

Excision of lesion of tendon sheath or joint capsule; Excision or curettage of bone cyst or benign tumor of proximal middle or distal phalanx of finger
Approval received from Humana authorization number 136162005 Doctor Benjamin Jacobs

Dec 10

Doctor – thinks my wart might be skin cancer, so I was gold to go see the Dermatologist.

360 254-6165  Dr. Jacobs
Cyst on hand middle finger of left hand

In home visit – 11/18/20 – I enjoy those for some reason.


Virtual appointment Dr. McCoy, come back in 6 months.


Physical – Dr. Alan Jones.  Maybe I got the flu shot at that time.


Pacific Dermatology

right eyebrow, and top of left ear, frozen off
remove mole from back and send for analysis – a ruptured cyst which came back benign, they will check it next time


Sleep Apnea CPAP: Apria sent new water chamber, hose, new reusable filter, a bunch of the other filters, and 2 cushions which maybe I should replace every 2 months since they are going to send them.

6/16/20 Shingles vaccine Shingrix
Second dose after 2 months to six months, so in mid-August

1/18/20 – plastic surgery, check eye.  Keep massaging scar tissue and come back in 2 months.  It might take six months she said for scar tissue and swelling.  Other laser treatment could be done but better to wait.

Sleep apnea CPAP device – appointment on 1/7/20 to set up machine – went fine.

Apria 503 258-2200

Philips Respironics Dream Station
mask – AirFit N30i Nasal CPAP Mask Cushion by ResMed

AirFit N30i Nasal CPAP Mask with Headgear by ResMed

pad – M> on the right side when you are holding it up
They send me these so I will replace every 2 months.

heated tubing, heated humidifier

headgear – AirFit N30i and P30i CPAP Mask Headgear by ResMed

I called Apria direct and he said the next shipment 9/30 will include this

Use apria direct for out of pocket supplies, like cleaning supplies.

Implant – I have finished with the two crown replacements so I can proceed with the next stop on the implant.

Dentist Implant charges

6/28/19 $484 removal and graft
surgical removal erupted tooth, ridge preservation graft
10/30/19 $660 setup implant
Conebeam full arch maxilla, implant index/guide
3/5/20 $2443 implant install
surgical implant body: endosteal

Then you have to get the crown that goes on the piece they put in

—- 2019 log —-


Sleep apnea CPAP machine forwarded from Sleep Metrics, which doesn’t have a contract with Humana, to Apria.  503-258-2200.

12/9/19  Salmon Creek Plastic Surgery

check to see how the scar tissue is doing after 3 laser treatments – Dr. Nankung

10/28/19 Salmon Creek Plastic Surgery

Replace 2 crowns 10/23/19 $988
They had trouble with the second one, so put off installing it.

Next phase of implant  10/30/19  $660

Followup – plastic surgery

The scar tissue creates a roadblock for the swelling to go down.

Laser treatment 3 Times to disrupt the scarring

On the table it looked perfect. Just have to get the swelling down.

11/25 third laser treatment

Coming up – see Alan Jones about CPAP 11/26


Colonoscopy 10/04/2019

8406 E Mill Plain Blvd Su BVancouver WA 98664 United States

Pacific Gastroenterology

Your polyp was an adenomatous polyp.  One polyp removed.  Recommend repeat in 5 years (2024).

9/18/19 Flu shot


East Vancouver Eye Clinic – glasses 504.50

8/21/19 Wednesday Appointment re plastic surgery.  Set the date.

/5/19 Stool Sample – Cologuard for cancer screening
It came back positive, so I have to have a colonoscopy.  More often it’s polyps, Dr. Jones says.  (One polyp was found)

8/7/19 Sleep study – Sleep Metrics
Shows moderate sleep apnea.  See Dr. Gillespie but it might be good to go to the machine.


Salmon Creek Plastic Surgery
13712 NE 10th Avenue Vancouver WA

Dr Jane Namkung

bags under eyes

two days prior go off Eliquis, one day after


Feel bad about bad flossing – decay under crowns,  Have to have 2 fillings and replace 2 crowns.  In addition to the implant that is in progress.


Sleep Metrics sleep study $275.00

7/23/19 Tue


Go to office before it gets bad, they could treat it in the office


Pacific Derm

froze off various places on face and also top of head
come back in 6 months

2/27/19 large hemorrhage in right eye

Got referral to dermatologist

Dentist Implant:

Got referral to dentist to extract tooth that split
Oral Surgery Solutions
Justin Hollar, DMD
2621 NE 134th St #210

——– 2018 log ————–

Sleep apnea device
25 turns is the setting for it.
Need to scrub better – gears and inside sides.
Also I reviewed the instructions for morning exercises to re position jaw.

12/14/18 Dr. Cole East Vancouver Eye.  Saw a floater in eye, which he checked out. No damage to retina found so it was probably a change in composition of the gel in the eye.

Surgery to open up constriction:
Cystoscopy Direct Vision Internal Urethrotomy
12/12/18 Dr Daniel L. Miller MD
Oregon Clinic Advanced Urology Associates –
Done at Adventist Hospital
Had the catheter for a few days.

Dr. McCoy 7/19/18 – set up test for Urolift

Dr. McCoy 8/6/18 – testing for Eurolift, could not insert probe.  Set up appointment to evaluate this issue – 11/7/18

Also I am going to try FR18 catheter.

Balloon Catheter replaced 6/5/18 $194

Dr. Jones 7/3/18 – the chemistry looks ok now he says

Physical follow up 1/25/18 Dr. Alan Jones

Red blood cells are a little enlarged, he ordered a blood test

Hi Stephen,
Your CBC looks closer to normal but red blood cells are still a little on the big side. It’s not from B12 deficiency as that level was normal. Alcohol is the next most common cause of this so consider limiting your alcohol to no more than 1 beer per day. See you next time.
Alan Jones MD

Erika is new assistant

Ordered a sleep study to follow up on sleep apnea

Do not put off hearing aid too long, might contribute to dementia

Dermatology 3/2/18

Spot on left temple was pre-cancerous. Go back for check in six months, which would be Sept 6, 2018.

He froze off various other sun damage spots.

——— 2017 log ————


Went to the ENT doctor re check ears, which is required if you get hearing aid to make sure here isn’t some other issue.  He said everything looked fine.  He thought it was reasonable to put off getting hearing aids for a few years.

Anderson ENT 718 NE 87th

Physical 7/24/17

Got Tetanus shot
he said I should consult Audiology Clinic re hearing test
Lab tests ok

Dr McCoy
new procedure available for urination

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea device working good, got it in June

Gillespie Dentistry

go back around June 2018 (I quit using it after a year or so)

———— 2016 Log —————–

3/4/16 Call Humana re Eliquis prescription $491 – have not met deductible

Eliquis $ 487.31 ordered 11/16

It is $45 when I am not in the donuts hole, or it was in 2015

10/31/16 got flu shot

Sleep study 7/26 and 7/27 used device
Classic Sleep Study , Jonathan
never heard anything about the result

Later I asked Dr. Jones and they followed up.


He will check thyroid, was left out of lab to they took another blood sample.
He will set up sleep study to see if naps are related to sleep apnea.
Statistic on that one blood cell is better, has been going down.
Other stats were good.
He froze off something on the right side of my forehead. He also looked me over for other skin problems but didn’t see any.
He gave me the second pneumonia shot so that is all I need.
Next appt in 6 months.


I got the crown put on the implant at Dr Lu.

Implant dental –

  • Dentist will order abutment and crown
    Right now I have a ‘healing cap’
    Dentist will Take impression
    Dentist will put in abutment and crown
    Total cost $3600


I have zero balance on DentalFirst – I called Aspen dental because Lucy said she would bill the abutment to it. However the lady said I have nothing due. So maybe the abutment was part of the original amount, or Lucy didn’t bill it. (Actually the abutment is not done yet, I found out on 3/30/16)


Dr Adler Portland Dermatology. Can come again in 2 years.
Froze off cancerous growth on back of left hand, also one just inside left ear. Everything else looked good.


order replacement balloon catheter
received 2/22/16 $183
They changed the name of the place to Advanced Urology, part of Oregon Clinic.


Aspen Dental – appointment Dr. Ramtin Amini. Feb 10 8am.
This is the abutment or pin.


Visit to Alan Jones,

It is not necessary to go to the heart doctor every year, we decided.

Bump in R armpit – nothing to worry about unless it gets bigger or is painful, he will check again next time.

Heart rate:
You can’t rely on the charts for heart rate. I am bummed by the idea that I can’t run my heart up to high speed like described in ‘Younger Next Year.’

I will have to read about it on the internet – exercising with beta blockers.

Also I wondered whether it was a good decision to not get that operation. But now it seemslike it is past the time as he said it works better if done right away.

———— 2015 Log —————–

got flu shot at Fred Meyer

I went to Dr Lu to see if the new crown is loose but he says it is ok. But he recommended a ‘flipper’ to fill in the space until the implant is ready. $330 if insurance covers 30%. The dentist will get a preauthorization. (I didn’t get it)

I couldn’t hear parts of the conversation.

My calves seem swollen.

Claim Number 157065353 Member ID H76046264 Member name STEPHEN L RANNEY Group HUMANA HEALTH PLAN, INC Group ID R3719001

Dr. McCoy, Humana paid him, maybe because I sent the request for an exception.

Dental implant done. Dr Ramtin Amini. In 6 months (Feb 2016) he checks to see if it is healed ok and fused to the bone, and then he puts a healing cap on, which they use to put the crown on. He stitched up the incision so he will have to cut it again but that way it will prevent infection in the meantime.

Dr. Jones – said to cut down on drinking. My doctor said to cut down on alcohol. The red blood cells are oversized and that is the probable cause.

Glasses $594.80

6/17/15 –
Dr McCoy annual checkup
come back in a year

Dental implant:
Made an appointment for the implant consult – 6/10/15 12:00
Dr Ramtin Amini
Aspen Dental 8101 NE Parkway Dr 882-4000
He is in the book but not on the website

Made an appointment with East Vancouver Eye though I don”t have insurance for it. 6/18/15 8:20

Dr Goldring
Annual visit re heart – everything is the same.
Said to go next year to Brendan Daly, M.D. – in Salmon Creek, but I don”t see him on the Humana website.
Goldring must be in it – she’s on the website and they took my $50 copay.
Switched me from Warfarin to Eliquis. $45 – tier 3 drug.

New Patient Appointment Dr Alan Jones
Go to Protime (anti-coag) once a month (done 4/20/15, 2.6) (now it won’t matter)
Got a pneumonia shot
Come back in 3 months, after that every 6 months.
Next appt 7/14/15.

go to Anti Coagulation clinic. I realized I could go today since the Humana hasn’t started yet. It starts 4/1.
Result 2.3, range is 2.0 to 3.0.

Set up medicare after 2/11/15 layoff

Previous doctor:
James Borden
Cascade physicians
(503) 226-4091
2222 NW Lovejoy Suite 505
Last physical 8/7/14
Various lab tests ordered at initial appointment for Dr. Jones

——————– History 2014 ————————

Dermatologist: appointment on 12/1/14 about leg rash was the last one
so next should be 12/15


rash – something he gave me – 2 weeks twice a day, 2 weeks once a day
Left arm and leg
Original visit to Dr Borden in 9/14


get a flu shot


rash on right calf, Dr Borden gave me some steroid cream. It might be a fungus. Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream.

Height 5”9″


Physical with Dr Borden. Got a shingles shot.


Dr McCoy – come back in a year.


ear pain – not an infection. I should resume the flonase through June.

Meanwhile I had an inflamed bite on my forehead, for which she said use Benadril.


Echo cardiogram at Northwest Cardiovascular Institute, Dr Goldring didn’t find any problems

next appt in a year

Dr Alhumaid – about the extra shunt type deal, made 4/21/14 appointment, but I cancelled it.

Portland Derm clinic = Dr. Adler

removed squamous cell carcinoma on my left forearm.

next appt in a year

—————— History 2013 ————————


buy new balloon cath – do not overinflate


Weight 184, I have to lose weight, maybe portion control and add 10 minutes to my workout will help.


Bleeding in insert of balloon catheter. Be sure to use plenty of lube, that might prevent the problem. I sometimes skimp on it for convenience but it might contribute to the problem.


I have to lose some weight. Maybe I can increase the rigor of my exercises, also watch portions that I eat.

That machine I have been using for abdomen is also the lower back machine – you push the bar back.


Portland Derm Clinic Adler – six mo check

Karen vertigo: Monday, January 21, 2013

Called 911 to take Karen to hospital, due to having a case of Benign Positional Vertigo, which started at about 9:30 and then work her up around 4:00 a.m.  It is supposed to go away in a few days.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

So far Karen has not gotten over the vertigo.  She has a doctor appointment on Friday.  I worked at home again and worked fairly well I think.

———— History 2012 —————————


Legs swollen

Diarrhea better but not normal

Go back in six months for normal checkup

Still taking Metamucil


Dr Kurz said to alter diet re diarrhea. Eat yogurt later in the day, eat less oatmeal. Take Metamucil. Either this works or it went away.

I must do the dilation more, like this week I didn’t do it at all.


I might call Dr. Kurz about the diarrhea, which has been going on 3 or 4 weeks I think. I might try taking those pills regularly for a while.


Dr Adler

Basel Cell carcinoma, removed 7/12/12, left side

Take blood pressure twice a week

tell nurse, goal is 130 over 80.


Heart – the test was ok, so the main risk is a stroke, which hopefully will be reduced by the Warfarin.

Urology – stable. I am trying to do the dilation every day.

Dermatology – face, appt 6/11, go back 7/17 to excise the basal cell carcinoma on left cheek.

Basal Cell Carcinoma


Dime sized rash at various places on my body. The doctor prescribed a steroid cream. If this doesn’t work it might be a fungus. (It works, Kurz said you might need to use it from time to time, so can renew prescription. It never is actually ”cured.”

Dr. James Borden in the same clinic. The rash seemed distributed somewhat symmetrically but he did not think this was a clue.


I ordered a thinner catheter by mistake. FR16 instead of FR18. Well maybe it will be better.



Back on Warfarin. I have been exercising twice a day sometimes.

———– History 2011 ——–

My weight is about 175. I would still like to get to 170.


Today my weight was 176 but it has mainly been around 175. I must take up that abdominal exercise on that other machine.


I have lost weight. At the start point I weighed 192. My lowest so far yesterday 179.5.

Added intervals to the treadmill. 1 minute interval of running, but I can increase this. My IHS class is about over.

I added quite a few fruits and vegetables to my diet. Various social events are often a problem. The phone consultant, whose last call will be next week, says, ”Go in with a plan.” For example, eat beforehand at the book group or something like that.

1/8/11 Hemorrhage in eye, caused by blood pressure – go back for follow up to eye doctor It turned out ok though, since it went away.

Sign up for weight loss class with IHS.

Dr Kurz says I gained 10 lb. in the last year.

Lately my blood pressure has been lower 1/5/11 134 – 75 – 65

Funny thing is, no one makes you go in and get things like blood pressure checked.

I must work on my weight loss class. First phone call is 1/25/11 at 6:30 p.m.

Dr Kurz

Eat a lot of salad the days before my next blood test. Maybe that will make my cholesterol reading better.

————- History 2010 ———————————-


The colonoscopy was good – nothing found.

—————– History 2009 ——————————-

Blayne A. Standage – Hernia fix, 4/13/2009

left side

Maureen  B. Goldring 2/26/09, 3/9/09 etc. regarding heart rate

—————– History 2008 ——————————-

Karen –

12/31/08 – Karen has to have surgery due to a polyp found in her colonosopy.

———————– History 2007 —–

scabby skin on forehead. Observed 11/28/07 (he froze it off)

injured tendon left hand. better 11/28/07

———————————— History 2006 —————————————


I had the surgery to improve urination, but I don’t know if it is going to help much. So far not a dramatic change.

——————————– History 2005 ——————————-

Basal cell cancer-8/05-Left ear

12/28/05 Transurethran incision of bladder neck stricture
1/1/2006 I had the surgery to improve urination, but I don’t know if it is going to help much. So far not a dramatic change.

—————————– History 1999 ——————————–

Prostate cancer

8/2/99 seed implant The PSA bounced around for a few years, as high as 7.3 on 8/1/01 but it is below 1 in 2005.