“Regrettably, evangelicals have been led astray by the rhetoric of Carl Sagan and Richard Dawkins, into believing that scientists embrace a dysteleological metaphysic. These two atheists do not represent the majority of scientists. Moreover, evangelical

WIND UP GIRL (2009) Author: Paolo Bacigalupi A modern dystopian classic, Bacigalupi describes a world where catastrophes are commonplace, global warming has caused huge sea level rises and biotechnology rules, with mega corporations – calorie

Saturday, June 17, 2006 Charles Colson, Propositional Truth, and Inerrancy In the June 2006 issue of Christianity Today, evangelical go-to-guy Charles Colson had a column entitled “Emerging Confusion.” In this column, he spoke less about

1/24/07 I watched a VHS tape last night with a debate between Phillip Johnson, University of California, Berkeley,  and an evolutionist William B. Provine, Cornell University.  It was in interesting in some ways. The church

And I think we had this conversation early on—is there anything about him that surprises us? And I remember, I think, saying that it surprises me what he does to the people around him and

“His problem is that he has grown up with vulnerability in terms of his self-worth, self-esteem and a clear sense of himself,” a past president of the American Psychoanalytic Association, told me. “Somebody with these