“Regrettably, evangelicals have been led astray by the rhetoric of Carl Sagan and Richard Dawkins, into believing that scientists embrace a dysteleological metaphysic. These two atheists do not represent the majority of scientists. Moreover, evangelical
OCTOBER 10, 2017 One of the panelists in the ”Living the Questions” series, Barbara R. Rossing author of ‘The Rapture Exposed: The Message of Hope in the Book of Revelation’ said that the whole book
WIND UP GIRL (2009) Author: Paolo Bacigalupi A modern dystopian classic, Bacigalupi describes a world where catastrophes are commonplace, global warming has caused huge sea level rises and biotechnology rules, with mega corporations – calorie
Saturday, June 17, 2006 Charles Colson, Propositional Truth, and Inerrancy In the June 2006 issue of Christianity Today, evangelical go-to-guy Charles Colson had a column entitled “Emerging Confusion.” In this column, he spoke less about
In a recent post reflecting on Mark Smith’s book, The Early History of God: Yahweh and the Other Deities in Ancient Israel, Pete shared with readers how the “mainstream view” holds that “the Hebrew scriptures
1/24/07 I watched a VHS tape last night with a debate between Phillip Johnson, University of California, Berkeley, and an evolutionist William B. Provine, Cornell University. It was in interesting in some ways. The church
And I think we had this conversation early on—is there anything about him that surprises us? And I remember, I think, saying that it surprises me what he does to the people around him and
“If I had to predict where historiography would go, I think people would have to recognize that Trumpism — nativism and white supremacy — has deep roots in American history,” Mr. Rauchway said. “But Trump
Cary – one ecclesial tradition of interpretation among others. This was a serious problem for Protestant theologians, who were not used to thinking of themselves as belonging to a tradition of interpretation. It became very
“His problem is that he has grown up with vulnerability in terms of his self-worth, self-esteem and a clear sense of himself,” a past president of the American Psychoanalytic Association, told me. “Somebody with these