Proclaiming the Scandal of the Cross: Contemporary Images of the Atonement by Mark D. Baker, Ed. The thesis is that there are many ways of describing what happened on the cross, and claiming that ‘penal

The bill also won over groups that had long blocked reform, like the American Medical Association. But congressional Republicans ultimately decided that opposing any bill, regardless of its substance, was in their political interest. The


Sun 8/17/08 Third, Barth’s anchoring of ethics in Christology has yet another important advantage. When the Christian church talks about moral issues in society apart from Jesus Christ, it impresses the populace as being prudish,

Ah yes, the almighty kindergarten teacher, the nanny state. You’re quite right, Sarah. We need to get the government out of our business. It’s a shame that the state thinks it has to enforce equality

Apr 01, 2011 by Gary Dorrien The common good is taking a beating. Economic inequality, to cite only the most important measure of social health, has accelerated dramatically in the U.S. since the early 1980s.