9/29/08 “Dr. Dennis Bratcher argues that inerrancy as defined, for example, in the Chicago statement has “weakened the credibility of Scripture and created tremendous controversy,” “very specific theological agendas. The Bible is then read through
9/30/06 One well-worn path through these thickets has been made by those who insist that the agitators are legalists: proto-Pelagians who are trying to persuade the Galatians to seek justification by performing good moral deeds.
8/17/06 Mark Noll, The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind – it was cited in Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers by Christopher A. Hall, who talks about Chafer’s pseudo-scientific way of exegiting the Scriptures in
Peter Enns’ book Inspiration and Incarnation: Evangelicals and the Problem of the Old Testament, is a vital contribution to the discussion about how Evangelicals should understand the Bible, one reviewer says of the book, which
2/2/10 I remember reading a newspaper article about how they designed the wing of a plane by introducing random changes and selecting for improvements, imitating natural selection. I think it was a time when I
2/1/10 I was struck by a comment made toward the end of the God Journey podcast in which the guest was Steve McVey. In the discussion it was remarked that the traditional approach of extracting
5/27/06 Nizpom sent me a link to an article in The Australian about Tom Wright, saying ‘he says some alarming things.’ It’s that Wright is reluctant to say that Marcus Borg, who doesn’t believe in
5/13/06 Heard at conference at Mars Hill Church: Tim Keller, the pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian church in New York City, says that it is important to plant churches in large cities. He says that existing
4/18/06 “This uncertainty in turn, of course, begets a new and anxious eagerness for certainty: hence the appeal of fundamentalism, which in today’s world is not so much a return to a premodern worldview but
Sunday, March 17, 2013 Harry – ‘I’m kind of an agnostic on the question of the timing of creation. I think both the old earth and young earth people are misguided in seeking to defend