Iconophobia is part of a wider phenomenon: aversion to the physical expression of religion, to nonverbal ritual performance. I am calling this sacramentalism, and the fear of it sacraphobia. Thanks to Zwingli and Calvin, the

Borg – Conventional wisdom is not to be identified with any particular tradition.; it is pervasive in all traditions. To emphasize the point once again: the conflict between conventional wisdom and alternative wisdom is not

Right-brained apologeticsWriter Francis SpuffordDec 04, 2014 by David HeimChristian Century Francis Spufford has won several literary awards in Great Britain for his nonfiction works, which include I May Be Some Time: Ice and the English

8/17/06 Mark Noll, The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind – it was cited in Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers by Christopher A. Hall, who talks about Chafer’s pseudo-scientific way of exegiting the Scriptures in

4/6/2010 8:41:16 AM My problem with “The Truth Project” is that it does precisely what I warn against. It mixes legitimate doctrines of the church with a lot of positions that are based on partisan

9/20/09 If liberals tend toward intellectual antinomianism, then fundalit evangelicals tend toward doctrinal donatism. do you refer to conservatives’ tendency to want to exclude those that don’t follow the given set of beliefs and positions