And I think we had this conversation early on—is there anything about him that surprises us? And I remember, I think, saying that it surprises me what he does to the people around him and

Tonight, one final entry, from Sewell Chan, editorial page editor of the Los Angeles Times. He emails Nightly: Trump has not changed my assessment of American democracy; he has affirmed it. Our great experiment is

After four years of debate about the possibility of foreign interference in the 2020 election and how to counter such disruptions, Mr. Trump’s comments were a stark reminder that the most direct threat to the

Sunday, January 13, 2013 What are the structural problems with our economy that cause there to be homelessness, along with an ever growing disparity in income between the poor and those at the highest income

The bill also won over groups that had long blocked reform, like the American Medical Association. But congressional Republicans ultimately decided that opposing any bill, regardless of its substance, was in their political interest. The

Ah yes, the almighty kindergarten teacher, the nanny state. You’re quite right, Sarah. We need to get the government out of our business. It’s a shame that the state thinks it has to enforce equality

Apr 01, 2011 by Gary Dorrien The common good is taking a beating. Economic inequality, to cite only the most important measure of social health, has accelerated dramatically in the U.S. since the early 1980s.