Henderson the Rain King is a seriocomic novel by Saul Bellow, first published in 1959. The novel examines the midlife crisis of Eugene Henderson, an unhappy millionaire. The story concerns Henderson’s search for meaning. A


quotes from Herzog by Saul Bellow Moses was strongly tempted to lie to her, to say, ‘Yes, Ramona, it was you.’ Strict and literal truthfulness was a trivial game, and might even be a disagreeable

Two of the most brilliant poets of the beat generation, Kenneth Patchen and Lawrence Ferlinghetti performing their compelling works in a Jazz context. This edition captures the movement in poetry toward all-inclusiveness, and a belief

Many books have been written either defending or detracting from an evangelical view of the Bible. Christian Smith, as a trained sociologist, offers a much-needed perspective: explaining evangelical biblicism as a sociological phenomenon. Smith demonstrates,