4/5/10 Leaving the evangelical world renders so many of the discussions and angst of websites like ‘an evangelical dialogue on evolution’ or ‘Biologos Foundation as irrelevant. comment on Evan Evol blog – Jordan said …

“An eschatological aura allows a nation to forgive itself for its violence. The new nation managed to overlook its genocidal relationship with the Native Americans, as well as to boast of liberty while allowing slavery.

Luke 19:1-10 relates a story that may illustrate this concept. (of salvation being oriented to this life.) Jesus visits the home of a wealthy tax collector named Zacchaeus, who declares that he will give half

I was interested in the chapter on ‘re-reading the prophets’ in this Marcus Borg book I am reading, ‘Reading the Bible Again for the First Time.’ He says that the message of the prophets, in

But by the 1990s, greater numbers of the Republican Party’s grass-roots activists blamed declining standards of living not on the free market individualism they believed in almost religiously, but on job-taking immigrants and the shadowy

“Within the creation, God’s reality is so unobtrusive that it is possible to fail to see that a God even exists. God’s power is of an altogether different order than the power structures of this