I said the third point struck me the most, because this same thought has been growing in me for many years and finally reached a tipping point not long after I resigned in 2008 from
Reinventing Liberal Christianity (Hobson, Theo) – Your Highlight on page 156 | Location 2736-2738 | Added on Sunday, December 7, 2014 5:35:31 AM am suggesting that liberal Christianity must rediscover this dialogical, psychomachic tradition that
Quotes “For since this is the most peculiar property of covetousness, and we are not so enamored of meat and drink, as of gaining, and compassing ourselves with more and more,”
Many books have been written either defending or detracting from an evangelical view of the Bible. Christian Smith, as a trained sociologist, offers a much-needed perspective: explaining evangelical biblicism as a sociological phenomenon. Smith demonstrates,
Apr 03, 2012 by John M. BuchananChristian Century For the first time in decades I did not preach on Easter Sunday, so I didn”t have the homiletical challenge of telling a familiar story in a
AMERICAN SOUNDINGS Myopia of the marketChristian Century Jan 03, 2012 by Rodney Clapp Since the years of Reagan and ThatÂcher, we have heard a steady drumbeat about the limitations of government. In turn, the free