There was a certain point in my thinking about evolution as an explanation for the mechanism of God’s creation that I reached the conclusion that there was not a necessary conflict between evolution and the

3/21/09 Various Facebook notes copied to here. In support of my rant about how Biblical exposition should be centered on the cross and resurrection vs. finding ‘helpful hints’ , here is a quote from Peter

2/8/09 When I was convinced of the position of the scientific mainstream regarding common descent (that is, all organisms have common ancestors, hence evolution), the question of how to interpret Genesis 1-3 arose in my

Historians will spend the next century analyzing how a country with such allegedly grand democratic traditions was, so swiftly and so easily, brought to the brink of fascism. But one needn’t stretch too far to

An Old Portland calendar I have had a picture that showed the Hotel Eaton in 1957. Curious about its current fate I looked around only to find it is present still — ‘the historic Eaton