Dick Keyes, The Lordship of Christ. It made me think of a comment about Paul’s preaching concept – ‘you preach the Bible without all the crap.’ This is the spiritual/secular dualism that Keyes rejects. He says the true tension is not between the spiritual and the secular but rather within each realm of life, like politics, economics or music, is Jesus Christ lord and is he being honored.
I started to wonder about what is wrong with equating Republican party to Christianity. The answer is not that this is an invalid melding of spiritual and secular, where you might say do not mix politics and religion. Rather, it is, as I see it, a mistake in how you apply your Christian faith to the public realm. So you would reply not, ‘don’t bring in politics,’ but rather, “I disagree with the way you are bringing your faith into politics.”
‘They have shrunk the size of world about which God is concerned.’ – Keyes