Ah yes, the almighty kindergarten teacher, the nanny state. You’re quite right, Sarah. We need to get the government out of our business. It’s a shame that the state thinks it has to enforce equality in hiring. Employers should be free to exclude blacks, Latinos, gays, and women (except as secretaries, of course, so that employers can have mistresses). It’s a shame, too, that we have this silly minimum wage. Let the market decide. As we now know from CEO Peter Schiff, the “mentally retarded” are worth $2 an hour. But why stop at the workplace? The awful nanny state, through its Civil Rights Act of 1968 and hate crimes laws of 1994 and 2009, thinks it has to protect people according to race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender identity, disability, and sexual orientation when they engage in activities like attending school or buying/renting a residence. What an overbearing almighty teacher! Just let us discriminate against these people and, if it’s a problem, the market will decide! We don’t need to be babied. For that matter, the state should never have passed the 19th amendment for women’s suffrage. As the anti-suffrage movement argued, women voters would impose the nanny state upon the saloons by enforcing prohibition, instead of letting the market decide. As you have so keenly pointed out, today we see the sinister fruit of allowing women to participate in politics. That same sinister fruit is seen in the attempt by social conservatives to restrict abortions, euthanasia, and legal sex work, among other things. We need to get the government out of our business. These are all things the market can determine. It’s also a shame the almighty kindergarten teacher state thinks it has to enforce traffic laws. Every day officers restrict the libertarian freedom of people to drive how they want. And today we hear calls for the government to step in to stop sex trafficking and other forms of modern slavery, but that’s just another form of the stupid nanny state trying to solve problems that we, in our sovereign libertarian freedom, can solve ourselves. If people don’t want trafficking, then the market will decide it eventually.

The government always tries and fails to be an almighty nanny. But the free market is truly Almighty. We can let the market decide everything, because it loves us and has a wonderful plan for our lives. The market has wonderfully decided that South African diamond miners are expendable instruments in the pursuit of little rocks for the fingers of white bourgeois girls. The market has wonderfully decided that Chinese workers should live a miserable existence putting together the pieces in our cell phones and laptaps. The market has wonderfully decided that health care in this country should be left to business professionals. They know how to put the proper price on human life.

So yes, I couldn’t agree more. Thanks for the insightful comment.

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