Thu 11/2/06 Reading this blog, along with things like the election (how evangelicals will predictably vote), the New Perspective, Living Hope Church, The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, makes me understand a bit the milieu I inhabit.
‘If that community’s habits of mind concerning those things to which the community pays most diligent attention and accords highest authority — that is, to the Bible and Christian theology [speaking of dispensationalism] — are defined by naive and uncritical assumptions about the way to study or think about anything, so will its efforts to promote Christian thinking about the world be marked by naiveté and an absence of rigorous criticism.’ (The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind)
Deconstructed: dispensationalism, the integrity of certain eccl entity, Bush administration.
Alternatives: Reformed theology, eccl concepts not yet fully defined, political alternative not articulated well by Democrats. (did not turn out quite this way)