I said the third point struck me the most, because this same thought has been growing in me for many years and finally reached a tipping point not long after I resigned in 2008 from my teaching position at a seminary (Westminster Theological Seminary) that participated in the same type of American Fundamentalist/Evangelical paradigm Haas describes
A few months after leaving, as I began breathing a different kind of air, I began asking myself, “Really? Is evangelicalism it! Is this the final form of the Christian faith? Does this really sum up the gospel, or is there something more? What kind of dense fog have I been living in, to think that I had reached the mountain top?”
April 5, 2013 at 4:53 pm
>A few months after leaving, as I began breathing a different kind of air,
After leaving my particular scenario, I used exactly this expression ‘breathing a different kind of air.’ It describes well the experience, partly because so much of the oppression is not directly stated – it’s like it’s pumped in through the A/C ducts.